Thank you for visting Catalfamo Gallery
Catalfamo Gallery has a history in the flooring, hardwood, tile and surface industry that dates back to 1979. We handle all the brands you are familiar with, plus specialize in exotic and luxury items. Our products will meet all of your design needs, as well as amaze and surprise you with our vast selection. Some of the wood, glass, tile and stone products you find here, you will only find here. Please browse our site and check back often, as we continually add additional high-end flooring and tile products to the catalog. Don't forget to register to our site, benefits include special offers, industry and trend articles, and site tools for the trade.
Voguebay | Atlas Concorde | Bisazza | DuChateau | Dune |
Duro Design | Ellen Blakeley | Forbo | Max Windsor | Stepco |
Area Rugs | Hardwood Flooring | Tile & Stone |
Bamboo Flooring | Laminate Flooring | Vinyl Flooring |
Carpet Tiles | Leather Flooring | |
Cork Flooring | Rubber Flooring |